Five Things Friday: Or Eleven…
Hello, Happy Friday! My brain is pretty fried tonight, and luckily I was nominated again for the Liebster Award by Aly (you can read my other Liebster post HERE) so I was saved. Because I am lazy- I’m...
View ArticleFather’s Day Weekend Wrap Up
To be honest, this weekend was rather uneventful and their is just not much to say about it. We did have a great Father’s Day though and I got to spend it with the three most important boys in my life-...
View ArticleButterscotch Cookie Granola
Hello, hope your week is starting off great so far! Today I am going to share with you my granola recipe, and I PROMISE you will never want to buy store-bought granola again. I used to make this once...
View ArticleSeek Up
The Top 10 Men’s group dance on So You Think You Can Dance. Just wow (Sorry I am watching it right now and Christopher Scott is such an amazing choreographer, AHH) Ok anyways…I had a terrible Tuesday...
View ArticleChocolate Chunk Biscoff Cookies + A Throwback
Hello friends! I cannot even tell you how excited I am to share this cookie recipe with you today, because I swear it is the best cookie that I have ever made. But first I felt like doing a throwback...
View ArticleFive Things Friday
Hello! Is any one else totally ready for this week to be over?? Seriously the most frustrating long week I have had in a while. Let’s talk… 1. Brooks from the Bachelorette. He is the absolute biggest...
View ArticleWeekend Wrap Up
Hello! Hope you had a great weekend! Mine was nice and relaxing, and spent with family and friends! Today marks day 4 of the cleanse and so far so good! It is going a lot better than I thought that it...
View ArticleTripping Billies, Garlic Roasted Brussels Sprouts + Kristi Boutique
Hello! So yesterday was spent getting a lot of stuff that needed to be done around the house, started a new painting and did no blogging. It was a totally needed break from social media and I feel so...
View ArticleThe Color Run
So I’ve said many times before: I am not a huge fan of running. I like to do it in small doses, but most of the time I just end up bored. However, lately I have been wanting to sign up for a race...
View ArticleFive Things Friday: More Than A Feeling
Yay for the weekend! I am hoping for a relaxing and easy going weekend. I am over this week and more than happy for it to be over. This week I am: 1. Wearing. I wish I had some good pictures, but I am...
View ArticleWeekend Wrap Up + Advocare 10 Day Cleanse Results!
Hello friends! How was your weekend!? Before I show you my results from the cleanse, here are some pics from the weekend… Lots of lounging around and Levi shenanigans! Stu was gone most of Saturday so...
View ArticleWildcard Wednesday!
Welcome to Wildcard Wednesday! The name of the game is #wildcard Stakes: A special PRIZE will be up for grabs the last week of each month Your link ups each week are your entries Example: If you...
View ArticleKnoxville Blog Friends + Brie Stuffed Garlic Bread
Hi friends! Monday night I met up with some Knoxville bloggers at Kabuki for wine and sushi! (Kabuki may or may not have been suggested by me and Lauren- we’re obsessed) It was so much fun reconnecting...
View ArticleAmerica.
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! American Girls and American Guys We’ll always stand up and salute We’ll always recognize When we see Old Glory Flying There’s a lot of men dead So we can sleep in peace at night...
View ArticleScared Babies + Healthy Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Oat Bars
Hey guys! How was your 4th of July?! Stu has the day off and our best friend Luke is coming in town later so this is going to be short and sweet! I have tons of cleaning and cooking to do! Our 4th of...
View ArticleWeekend Wrap Up: Fourth of July Festivities
Hi friends! Even though our weekend was fabulous (minus the rain), I am actually ready for the week and some normalcy. We had such a good time with our friend Luke (who was in town from Illinois) and...
View ArticleThe Gym + Aztec Trashwhores and Biscoff Blondies
Hello! Today is a big day for me, because I am taking Levi to the gym to test out the child watch center there. To be honest I don’t want to do it and will probably worry about him the whole time (even...
View ArticleFitness Survey!
So as you read yesterday, I had full intention on taking Levi to the gym with me. Well after a not so great night and an even worse day that involved NO napping and an all day headache, we never made...
View ArticleFive Things Friday + Lightened Up Lasagna Soup
Hi guys! I took yesterday off from blogging and just spent most of the day away from the computer. To be honest I barely even read any blogs and just hung around the house with the little man. I don’t...
View ArticleWeekend Wrap Up: Blah Blah Blah
Hi friends! So there is just not much to say about this weekend other then..BLAH. It was uneventful (other than Levi’s first swim class!) and I was cranky and felt like crap. It all started Saturday...
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