Hello friends! How was your weekend!?
Before I show you my results from the cleanse, here are some pics from the weekend…
Lots of lounging around and Levi shenanigans!
Stu was gone most of Saturday so Levi and had lots of time together. We went to the book store and then went on what was supposed to be a short walk. Five miles later we made it back to the house. And before you start thinking I intentionally walked 5 miles- let me tell you that I made a wrong turn in my HUGE neighborhood and we kinda got lost.
Later that night we went to one of my favorite restaurants, Lakeside, and then came home and watched 21 Jump Street, which I think is a hilarious movie. Sunday we walked around Nostalgia (An antique store), went grocery shopping and I made one of the best dinners I have ever had (+ dessert!)
So let’s talk cleansing.
I’ll go ahead and show you the before and after picture because I’m sure that’s what you really want to see!
I cannot believe I am posting these haha, but I feel I should to show you the change- so I apologize ahead of time..
* BTW No I am not naked- just not all about pics of me in my skivvies on here- this is bad enough haha*
I’m not sure exactly how much weight I lost because it has varied within a few pounds, but the most I saw was a -5 lb loss. Today it has said -3 lb. so who knows? My guess is a solid 3 lbs. lost and the other 2 lbs. are probably water weight. Whether it’s 3 or 5 lbs. I am pretty happy! I really noticed a difference in my stomach and my jeans definitely did not feel as tight in the waist.
Other than a one slip up and drinking coffee in the mornings, I followed the cleanse “rules” to a T days 1-8. This weekend I ate mostly clean during the day but indulged some at night. As I said last week, I chose to continue to drink coffee because I love it and had no desire to have a caffeine headache that I would have had if I cut out coffee. Also sorry to be gross- but coffee keeps me regular and I did not want to mess with that! As for this weekend, Stu planned on taking me out to dinner and sorry but I wanted to have a good evening out and not worry about what I’m eating.
A typical day’s eats looked like this:
Breakfast- Banana + Strawberries or apple w/ 1 Tbs. peanut butter
Snack- Pineapple or cantaloupe
Lunch- Green smoothie (spinach, almond milk, banana, frozen berries)
Snack- Peach or apple + few pieces of pineapple
Dinner- Roasted veggies + quinoa or chicken
Dessert- Banana w/ 1 Tbs peanut butter
Days 1-3 and 8-10 Fiber Drink
Days 1-7 Herbal Cleanse
Days 4-10 Probiotic Restore
So yea- a lot of fruit and vegetables! All in all it wasn’t too bad, and until the end I really didn’t mind it. If I was to do it again I would eat more protein during the day, so that I wasn’t so hungry by the end of the day. As for the fiber drink, I actually liked it! I read a lot of bad reviews about it, but I didn’t think it was bad at all. The herbal cleanse pills are pretty big and kinda sucked but definitely doable. Also let me say that even though this is a cleanse- you are not going to be crapping all over yourself! I’ve had a few people ask me about that (totally understandable- I would want to know too!) but it’s a very gentle cleanse (;
Final Thoughts:
Would I do it again: yes!
Am I going to do it again: More than likely, yes!
It definitely helped tone down my sweets cravings (still there-but not as bad) and forced me to experiment with a lot of different dinner ideas. For the first time I made marinara sauce from scratch, and my own salsa and asian dressing! I am way more aware of the amount of sugar and sodium in foods and will definitely be eating more clean, real foods from here on out!
I am so happy that I was told about this cleanse from Janna! She saw amazing results as well and you should can read about them HERE!
Did you eat out this weekend or stay at home? Have you ever tried a cleanse? If not, would you?