Hello! Hope you had a great weekend! Mine was nice and relaxing, and spent with family and friends!
Today marks day 4 of the cleanse and so far so good! It is going a lot better than I thought that it would and so far have stuck with it 100%. Well, actually I have been cheating on one thing- I decided not give up coffee. I thought about giving it up, but I LOVE coffee. My favorite part of the day is when Levi takes his morning nap and I get to relax and sit down and drink my coffee, and that is just not something I am willing to give up. But other than that I am eating completely clean and feeling pretty good! I will keep you posted (:
Some pictures from the weekend:
1. Finally got a little but of sun and don’t look quite as pasty…Weather was beautiful!
2. Levi visiting my mom at the yard sale her and my Aunt put on. He came away with lots of toys.
3. Outfit I wore to the movies Friday night to see Bling Ring with my friend Rachel. I was surprised at how much I liked the movie!
4. Washed my hair for a change…
5. Colorful salad.
6. Sweet angel eating dinner.
7. Chicken, zucchini, squash and pineapple kabobs on the grill. YUM.
8. High bun!
9. Axell enjoying the beautiful weather.
How was your weekend?! Any good food? Have you ever done a cleanse?